Saturday, May 16, 2015

Catching up ~ The move

As all the crazy business of life continued to happen and the process of Brent's parents getting closer to purchasing the house across the street was approaching, we had a lot of things to do to make sure this happened. This was a tremendous group effort for all involved and it was mighty stressful too!
Once the sale was final and papers were signed Brent and I got to go pick up the keys!

Once we had the keys we also decided to paint a couple rooms in the house that Brent's mother and I had discussed painting before. This ended up being much more of  undertaking than we planned. We anticipated having two days to work on it, but after painting the first coat on one day, Brent woke up looking like a squirrel with stuffed cheeks. His latest root canal had formed an abscess due to remaining root that was working its way up. Needless to say we had to go and have some emergency oral surgery instead of painting...

Here are all of the guys getting ready to start painting.

I was able to somehow get in there and finishing all the painting by myself before the "big move". Whew...I was relieved to have that done.

The day Brent's parents moved to Prineville I had tried to get things ready and mentally prepare myself to do a lot of heavy lifting and sorting of things...
I was excited to have the company though, and to get this move over with.
In order to find my peace we went to the Prineville reservoir.
I am not a super huge beach fan. I mean I love the beach, but it doesn't have to be the ocean.
I can sit on the banks of a river or the rocks near a pond. I just love sitting and watching the water.

The boys were less than excited to be doing this, mainly because it was quite cold at first. 
Soon the sun was shining and we were peeling back our layers.
At first Bray was keeping August warm with a towel I had in the car.
You see, as a mother you chose to allow children to have a natural consequence sometimes. This day I told the boys to all grab a coat, but they all insisted they were fine. 
Needless to say they were not fine. They were cold and let me hear about it for the first fifteen minutes they were there...

The sand was nice and warm.

 Soon we decided to go on a little hike around the area and we found some rabbit and geese.
The little bunny is under the shade of the tree. I was trying to run up and take pictures at the same was pretty fast.

We finally headed back to eat lunch. 
The original plan was that the moving party would be there around lunch time, but that of course changed.
I didn't prepare anything for that because of how inconsistent the information was about the timing. 
I prepped Mitch to be watching August so I could help, but it really did end up being a hodge podge of back and forth and being up way past midnight unpacking things.
I understood the desire to get it all done in one day, but that was seriously lacking in the realistic expectation department. Especially for this family.

Still, somehow it got mostly done, and the rest of the settling was able to occur over the next couple weeks.
Again, it was a great move for them and the rural life is suiting them.

Now onto new family adventures....

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