Friday, December 20, 2013

August (video dump)


My youngest of three boys.

 I was dumping my phone of all the pictures and videos and thought some of these were pretty funny.
I realized that ever since he was born August was a very loud little boy.
Looking back through these videos I am reminded of this.
Like this video...
Brent and I went to Sharis with August for some breakfast. He was around 1-1.5 yrs old at the time. He does his trademark scream. And this weird thing he used to do when he didn't want to look directly at you.
 When I thought he was all done with his pancakes I was trying to get him to sign that he was "all done". Instead he figures out how cool it is that his arms stick to the table from all the syrup.
August on the trampoline. He had been begging me to kick his brothers off so he could jump. He was way too uneasy to be jumping with them. It is hard to tell, but his hair was standing straight up. He was feeling a lot of static...

During one of our meals at home Mitchel was trying to get August to sing. Something he had been doing all day. As kids do around two years old, it was all gibberish.
And here August is talking about the houseboat trip we were going to be going on. 
His cute little 2.5yr old voice...
Then his singing twinkle twinkle little star, and itsy bitsy spider. He tried so hard to at least sound out the words to the song...

Then there is August playing the is slow going but he finishes like a rock star!
August watching a video of his cousin Charlie crawling. He wanted to watch it again and again. It was super cute.

August with his summer hair cut, wanted his picture taken. Then decided he did NOT want his picture taken. He tries to persuade me to photograph the plant.

And then this last summer. August was too scared to throw himself down on a slip n slide. So Daddy improvised to let him experience it!
And just for some fun and nostalgia for myself.
These next ones are Mitchel and Brayden around the same age being super cute too!
Mitchel being an ultimate ninja warrior "good guy"
 The speech is my favorite. When they misspeak as kids.
 Here Mitch says "I ARE a super hero".
 Just darling!

and Mitchel busting a move...

Brayden making his crazy silly faces for the camera!

I was trying to get Bray to say "I did it myself", because he used to always replace "my" in myself with "me". So he says, "I did it ME self".
Ahhh! So stinkin cute!

1 comment:

  1. Awe I love home videos. Gwenevere, Grace and I just watched a ton of old home videos the other day. Good times, cute kids.
