Tuesday, May 27, 2014

BBQ at Jays

While in Portland I also received a text letting me know about a BBQ at Uncle Jay's house.
Like many of these function we are made aware of them either day before (if we are lucky) or day of.
I was able to make it.
It took some rearranging and tons of driving, but I was there! To REPRESENT...as Brent calls it.

That morning I had to drive Brent to Corvallis (to work) from Salem which is like 37 miles.
Then from Corvallis I had to drive to Tigard to let my sister's dog out to go potty 76 miles.
Then while in Tigard I had to go to the store to buy something for the BBQ and get Ty some birthday $$. From Tigard we headed to SE Portland to drop Mitch and Bray off at the birthday party, 17 miles.
Then after dropping the boys off I drove to Jay's for the BBQ with August, 13 miles.
After that we went and stayed the night with my niece in Tigard (6 miles).
So only about 150 miles in one morning! Whew...

Back to the BBQ!
We used to have a May Birthday BBQ every year since all of the guys have birthdays in May. Jay, Evan, Max, Brent, Bray, and I am sure I am missing some others.
I wasn't sure what this was though...It turned out to be a birthday BBQ for Big Max.
Still fun to see everyone. I got there early enough to help out with the food too!

I guess for Jay there are several perks to being a cattle rancher, but for us one of the definite perks is getting some wonderful nutrient dense meat from his grass fed cattle.

 Mum-z was all dressed up and shiny.
 Miles hangs out with Honey.
 Jordan brings out his dad's cake.

 ...and this is when August started coughing dramatically from all of the smoke from the candles flying in his face.
Later he and Charlie sat together for a second in these blue chairs. I wasn't quick enough to get a good photo...These kids are fast.
 August insisted we find worms. I was holding Miles so I didn't get too down and dirty...for awhile anyways. We still managed to find some worms. August was thrilled.

 August tried to show Charlie the worm, but Charles was less than impressed. 
He just cringed, shrugged his shoulders and ran off.
I put a potato bug in his hand and he just flipped his hand over and dropped it and said "drop".
Guess he isn't much of a bug guy.

 The frisbee was flying too. Nothing like a good game of backyard frisbee toss. Charlie was pretty good at throwing it.
August was busy getting lost in all the bushes and trees.

 There goes Charlie about to scale the rock wall...

 Justin started pushing the boys in the hammock.
It was pretty cute.
They were giggling so loud.

I am always thankful when I can actually attend one of these functions. Although, without Brent it is very tiring. I definitely needed a nap when it was over.

1 comment:

  1. You are super woman. I love that family is so important to you. Your crazy driving that much but the memories are worth it. I love it all
